I’m New




We seek to be Christ’s presence in our fellowship and community, striving to be a fellowship of grace, faith, and love like Christ. We sincerely desire to seek God and join others on the path of faith as we live out His purpose for our lives here on earth and move toward our eternal home in God’s presence when our time on earth is done.




Our music and our worship is Biblically centered, and we hear the preaching of God's Word. There is childcare available for young children, but families are encouraged to worship with their children! Come and worship!




Sunday Mornings

Sunday School Classes @ 9:19am
Gathering & Morning Worship @ 10:15am

Wednesday Evenings

Various activities start @ 6:00p.m.

Please contact us below to receive more information

Contact Us



Phone: 919-934-9771

Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Friday: 8:30am-3:00pm